Gregorian Chant Primer and Choral Mass for St. Gregory the Great
Tuesday, September 3, 9AM-5PM (Choral Mass at 7PM)
St. Gregory the Great Church, 5545 N Paulina St Interested in practical tips for introducing Gregorian chant into your choir on Sundays? Curious about the history and development of the ancient tradition of chant? Always wanted to try chant but not sure where to start? The Catholic Church teaches that Gregorian chant should be given pride of place in the Roman Liturgy (CCC, 116), yet it is rarely heard in Catholic parishes today. This ancient tradition brings a stunning beauty to the liturgy and express the spiritual and theological richness of our faith. Join St. Gregory’s Hall on the feast of our patron and namesake of the Church’s most prized sacred music tradition for a day-long workshop. Participants will end the day by singing side by side with our professional choir at a choral Mass for the Feast of St. Gregory the Great. |

Kevin Allen is composer-in-residence at St. Gregory's Hall. His works, sacred and secular, have been performed in churches and concert halls throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia. Based in Chicago, he is the founding director of the Collins Consort, American Composer’s Project, and Schola Immaculata. Mr. Allen is also the director of Schola Laudis at the Benedictine Monastery of the Holy Cross, Vox Fidelis Children's Choir, and the Chicago Catholic Choir.

Jeffrey Ostrowski is president of Corpus Christi Watershed and choirmaster at St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception in Muskegon, MI. He holds his B.M. in Music Theory from the University of Kansas and has done graduate work in the fields of Musicology and Education. His scholarship has focused on the historical performance of plainsong and polyphony of the High Renaissance. He founded and oversees the Sacred Music Symposium.