About Us
St. Gregory’s Hall is a local, parish-based Catholic Cultural Center serving Mary, Mother of God Parish and Chicago’s North Side by promoting Catholic culture and social teaching through sacred art and music, education, community and prayer. Our activities nourish the faith of parishioners and invite neighbors to experience Jesus Christ through beauty, goodness, and truth.
About our patronA sixth-century Roman from a noble family, Gregory served as prefect of the eternal city before founding several monasteries in Sicily and Italy, eventually settling as a monk at his family estate that he converted to a monastery in Rome.
Gregory sought a life of prayer and contemplation, but was continually called to a life of action, serving his city, the empire, and the Church. He was even made pope at the insistence of a mob of angry Romans. As a servant of the people, Gregory fought for peace and served the poor and marginalized amid devastating invasions and the plague. The development of Western Plainchant, often called “Gregorian Chant,” is attributed to Gregory because of his efforts to reform and unify liturgy in the Western church. He was also a prolific writer, composing major works on pastoral care, monasticism, the moral and spiritual life, and the wisdom of scripture. |
Quotes from St. Gregory
"[Scripture] it is surely like a river, if I may say so, which is wide and deep, in which a lamb may walk and an elephant swim.” - Commentary on Job
"Those who do not speak the words of God with humility must be advised that when they apply medicine to the sick, they must first inspect the poison of their own infection, or else by attempting to heal others, they kill themselves.” - The Book of Pastoral Rule
"Act in such a way that your humility may not be weakness, nor your authority be severity. Justice must be accompanied by humility, that humility may render justice lovable."- The Book of Pastoral Rule