The Catholic Imagination in Fiction

Tuesdays, September 19-November 7, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Monsignor Klasen Building, 1609 W. Gregory St.
Join Prof. Scott Moringiello (scholar-in-residence) for a course exploring the ways in which the spiritual, theological, and aesthetic traditions of the Catholic faith inform the major literary works of the past century. In this course, participants will read three novels: The End of the Affair by Graham Greene, Silence by Shusaku Endo, and The Five Wounds by Kirstin Valdez Quade.
While the authors' background, style, and subject matter differ widely, their portrayals of human life and experience all draw on the paradoxical relation of the sacred and profane, transcendent and terrestrial that characterizes the incarnation and the life of the sacraments.
Participants will be required to obtain their own copies of the books.
$40 suggested donation. Register by filling out the form below. Contact Mark Franzen with any questions.
You can pay online or bring a check or cash to the class. Make checks payable to Mary, Mother of God Parish with "St. Gregory's Hall" in the memo line. All donations are used to cover program and staff-related expenses of St. Gregory's Hall. No funds are used for general Parish operating expenses.
Monsignor Klasen Building, 1609 W. Gregory St.
Join Prof. Scott Moringiello (scholar-in-residence) for a course exploring the ways in which the spiritual, theological, and aesthetic traditions of the Catholic faith inform the major literary works of the past century. In this course, participants will read three novels: The End of the Affair by Graham Greene, Silence by Shusaku Endo, and The Five Wounds by Kirstin Valdez Quade.
While the authors' background, style, and subject matter differ widely, their portrayals of human life and experience all draw on the paradoxical relation of the sacred and profane, transcendent and terrestrial that characterizes the incarnation and the life of the sacraments.
Participants will be required to obtain their own copies of the books.
$40 suggested donation. Register by filling out the form below. Contact Mark Franzen with any questions.
You can pay online or bring a check or cash to the class. Make checks payable to Mary, Mother of God Parish with "St. Gregory's Hall" in the memo line. All donations are used to cover program and staff-related expenses of St. Gregory's Hall. No funds are used for general Parish operating expenses.