Seven Shakespeare Comedies

Mondays, June 5-July 31, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
St. Gregory the Great, Monsignor Klasen Building, 1609 W. Gregory St.
A weekly seminar course led by Fr. Bob Sprott, OFM (scholar-in-residence)
Summertime. It’s a time for travel, for light entertainment, and for taking it easy. Nobody can take us farther afield and with more enjoyment than Shakespeare, and in these seven plays we will find ourselves in Renaissance Italy, ancient Greece, a corrupt and rancid city of Vienna, and a truly otherworldly kingdom on a small and invisible island in the Mediterranean. The settings may be exotic and the action appalling or enchanting, but the destination is always the same, for Shakespeare is still our best guide to and through the labyrinth of the human heart.
June 5 Introduction
June 12 The Taming of the Shrew
June 19 Love’s Labor’s Lost
June 26 A Midsummer Night’s Dream
July 10 Much Ado About Nothing
July 17 As You Like It
July 24 Measure For Measure
July 31 The Tempest
$40 suggested donation. Register by filling out the form below. Contact Mark Franzen with any questions.
You can pay online or bring a check or cash to the class. Make checks payable to Mary, Mother of God Parish with "St. Gregory's Hall" in the memo line. All donations are used to cover program and staff-related expenses of St. Gregory's Hall. No funds are used for general Parish operating expenses.
St. Gregory the Great, Monsignor Klasen Building, 1609 W. Gregory St.
A weekly seminar course led by Fr. Bob Sprott, OFM (scholar-in-residence)
Summertime. It’s a time for travel, for light entertainment, and for taking it easy. Nobody can take us farther afield and with more enjoyment than Shakespeare, and in these seven plays we will find ourselves in Renaissance Italy, ancient Greece, a corrupt and rancid city of Vienna, and a truly otherworldly kingdom on a small and invisible island in the Mediterranean. The settings may be exotic and the action appalling or enchanting, but the destination is always the same, for Shakespeare is still our best guide to and through the labyrinth of the human heart.
June 5 Introduction
June 12 The Taming of the Shrew
June 19 Love’s Labor’s Lost
June 26 A Midsummer Night’s Dream
July 10 Much Ado About Nothing
July 17 As You Like It
July 24 Measure For Measure
July 31 The Tempest
$40 suggested donation. Register by filling out the form below. Contact Mark Franzen with any questions.
You can pay online or bring a check or cash to the class. Make checks payable to Mary, Mother of God Parish with "St. Gregory's Hall" in the memo line. All donations are used to cover program and staff-related expenses of St. Gregory's Hall. No funds are used for general Parish operating expenses.